MAAUN team visits Dala Orthopedic Hospital, discusses areas of partnership

A delegation from Maryam Abacha American University of Nigeria (MAAUN), under the leadership of President of the university, Prof. (Dr.) Mohammad Israr on Wednesday, 20th March, 2023, paid a courtesy call to the National Orthopedic Hospital Dala (NOH), Kano.

On arrival, Prof. Israr and his team were received by the Hospital’s Medical Director, Dr. Nuruddeen Isah, where the delegation had discussion with their host on the purpose of the visit and the proposed partnership with the hospital.

The team explained that the visit was informed by the desire of the university to explore areas of mutual interest for possible collaboration with particular emphasis on students’ clinical training and research undertakings.

Responding, Dr. Isah, who expressed delight for the proposed MoU, gave assurance of the hospital’s readiness to honor the request as soon as all the processes are completed.

While giving a brief history of the facility, Dr. Isah said Dala Orthopedic is the oldest hospital and first of its kind in Nigeria to be established in the ancient city of Kano in the late 50s for the purpose of providing orthopaedic and trauma care in northern Nigeria.

During the interactive session, officials of the two organizations discussed extensively on the various areas of mutual interests before reaching a common ground on certain items contained in the MoU draft.

Other areas pertaining to the MoU thoroughly explored during the meeting, include the bench fee, the duration of the MoU, the number of students to be posted for the training at a time and the duration of time the students will spend in the facility during their clinical rotation.

MAAUN team thereafter advanced their proposed MoU draft for further review by the Orthopedic hospital, which was agreed to be returned after the review and putting necessary inputs.

In his closing remarks, the Vice President Administration, Dr. Habib Awais Abubakar, commended the hospital for their seriousness and commitment to providing first-class health care services and expressed optimism that MAAUN students would benefit hugely from their vast experience when the MoU becomes effective.

Other members of the delegation from MAAUN included the Vice Chancellor, Franco-British International University, Kaduna, Prof. Abdullah Mohammed Sabo, the Dean, School of Nursing Sciences, Dr. Umar Lawal Bello, Ag. Head of Physiotherapy Department, Dr. Nazir Bashir Mukhtar and the Head of International Office, Engr. Bashir Garba.

Russian Varsity partners MAAUN on Scientific Research

Maryam Abacha American University of Nigeria (MAAUN) and National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Moscow, Russia on Thursday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote cooperation in education