The President

Prof. (Dr.) Mohammad Israr has been appointed as the President of the Maryam Abacha American University of Nigeria, Kano, Federal Republic of Nigeria.
The President said he is excited to be entrusted with the huge responsibility and pledged to discharge it diligently, effectively to the benefit of staff and students as well as the overall progress of the country. Further to that he was assured to bring a new paradigm of Research & Development through his expertise and pool of highly qualified academicians at Maryam Abacha American University of Nigeria.
The newly appointed President is a Professor of Engineering with an Industrial Engineering and Management background. He has travelled all across the globe in the capacity of various senior positions along with being invited as a resource person at various research forums. He was recently appointed as an Assessor for Promotions in Management and Science University, Malaysia for QS World University Rankings 2021.
Prior to his current status, he worked as a Vice Chancellor at Mewar International University, Nasarawa State, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Head IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) Cell, Editor-in-Chief of PCE-International Journal of Engineering & Technology, and Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, as a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Sur University College, Sur, Sultanate of Oman, as a Principal at Dungarpur College of Engineering and Technology, Dungarpur, Rajasthan, India, and worked as a Principal at Balaji Engineering College, Junagadh, Gujarat, India. His career has been spread across establishment of reputed institutions of higher education and research.
He has been appointed an Ambassador of War against drug abuse in Nigeria by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, (NDLEA), Nigeria. He was the first faculty in the history of Sur University College in Sur, Sultanate of Oman, to register and publish the Patent. He has been Granted 08 Patents in Intellectual Property Australia (Australian Government), 01 in the German and Trade Mark Office (Germany), 02 Design Patent in Intellectual Property Office, (UK), and 40 registered & published patents in Intellectual Property India (Indian Government). He served as the Nodal officer signing of 17 International and 2 National MoU’s signed with prestigious academic Institutions, research labs and renowned Industries. He has published 94 research papers in various reputed national, international journals and conferences like Taylor and Francis, Springer, Elsevier, ASME etc. He has published 15 books, edited a book for CRC Press, and had one article published in Infraline Energy Magazine. He is a Fellow Member of International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR) and the Independent Perception and Research Hub (IRPH). He has obtained many prestigious awards like the “Young Scientist Award-2018”, “Outstanding Researcher Award in Mechanical Engineering-2019”, “Outstanding Engineering Services to Society Awards-2021”, “Lifetime Achievement Award-2021”, Best Researcher Award-2022”, “Edu-Leaders Excellence Award-2022” and “Outstanding Teacher Award-2022”. He supervised 10 candidates for their doctoral (Ph.D.) degree and also supervised 3 candidates for their master’s degree. So far, He reviewed 18 Ph.D. thesis, 03 Master thesis and 250 research papers. He was an associate on Editorial Board Member of more than 300 national and International Journals. He has served as a Session Chair, Speaker and Member of the International Technical Committee at many national or International Conferences. He is also a member of various technical and professional bodies such as SCIEI- USA, IAENG- Hongkong, AAIR- USA, IFERP-India, IETA-India, ISTE- India.
According to the World Intellectual Property report 2018, [In Overview of IP filing activity, Table 1. Ranking of total (resident and abroad) IP filing activity by origin, 2018], Page number 8], a total of 12 patents have been filed from India, out of which 5 patents have been filed by his name.
The University promoters are very much excited on his joining and arriving to Nigeria for commencement of his official duties, the staff and other senior officers are excited to move ahead with great enthusiasm to promote higher education and research towards bringing up the University Ranking internationally. Wherein already upon his arrival the University has succeeded in filing five international patents and successful publication research articles in globally renowned Journals of international research.