4415 people participated in International Faculty Dev’t Workshop at MAAUN

No fewer than 4, 415 people from 41 countries across the world took part in the immersive online international faculty development workshop organized by Maryam Abacha American University of Nigeria (MAAUN).

Titled “Innovative Pedagogy Tools and Techniques for Effective Teaching and Learning”, the workshop was designed to sharpen skills and discover innovative pedagogical tools with renowned international faculties.

The virtual event, which featured three eminent MAAUN international adjunct faculties, offered valuable insights and practical strategies for educators seeking to enhance students engagement and learning outcomes.

The President of MAAUN, Prof. (Dr.) Mohammad Israr stated this in his opening remark at the occasion held at President’s Conference Hall on Thursday.

As part of renewed effort to foster knowledge and scholarship, the seminar was intended to poise the scales of balance between classroom teaching and
hands-on learning.

In his paper, titled, Effective Classroom Management, Prof. Mohammad Zubair Khan of the Taibah University, Medinah, Saudi Arabia, stressed the need for using a classroom environment that is conducive to student success and learning.

He urged faculty members to always address isolated discipline problems individually instead of punishing an entire class, as the latter can hurt relationships with students who are on-task and thereby jeopardize other classroom management efforts.

“Teaching is a very important job and once you get your classroom management skills in order, you will be enjoying teaching more and will have a more productive teaching career,” he said.

Prof. Khan, who spoke at length on the topic, tasked the participants to demonstrate acceptable behavior and treat their students with the same respect they demand.

Other papers presented were Change Management Tools for Effective Leadership in Classroom and Learning Through Story Telling by Dr. Abood Hamed Saif Al Sawafi, CEO of Almaarif Consultancy, Sultanate of Oman and Dr. Fabio of Carbone of the University of Northampton, United Kingdom respectively.

In her closing remark, Head, Human Resource Unit of MAAUN, Hajia Maimuna Saidu Bello expressed heartfelt gratitude to the presenters for their outstanding presentations, which have enriched the discourse on innovative pedagogy.